1. Report to the playground supervisor of the day for the area in which you will be supervising.
2. Please walk around and observe your assigned area. We ask that you do not sit and chat with other supervisors.
3. Please do not use your cell phone unless it is to call the school office to report a student
injury or a student being sent in for disciplinary reasons.
4. Please find a substitute if you are not available on the day you sign up for.
1. Rough play is not permitted. (Fighting, tackling, tripping, piling-on, wrestling, etc.)
Fighting 1st offense; to school office
All others 1st offense: warning
2nd offense: to school office
2. No throwing snowballs, rocks, dirt, wood chips...etc. Students will be fined $1.00 and sent to the school office-no recess.
3. Students must stay in bounds. The outdoor playground boundaries are the area that covers the first parking area north of the school and the play area and the athletic field on the east end of the building. This parking area must remain free of vehicles during school hours. Students may not go in the farm fields or play on the grass on the north side of the school between the parking area and the school windows.
1st offense: warning
2nd offense: sent to the school office
4. No inappropriate language.
1st offense: warning
2nd offense: sent to the school office
5. Proper winter clothing is required. i.e. hats, mittens, snow pants, boots
6. Climbing on the outside of the play structure is not permitted. i.e. top of tubes, outside
railings, etc.
7. Playing on snow hills/mounds in the winter is not permitted.
8. Students must stay outside the entire time of recess. No in and out of school building. A
student must have permission from the supervisor to go back inside the building. Restroom
needs should be fulfilled following lunch and before going out to the playground.
9. The playground supervisor of the day will be the primary enforcer of the rules and also has the authority to remove any student who does not comply.
***All of the outdoor rules apply that might occur indoors.***
1. Parent playground volunteers will patrol the hallway outside the ‘recess active’ classroom/s. They will alternate checking each room for behavior.
2. Parent volunteers will supervise the students in the classrooms. Students will have quiet,
normal talking voice with allowed activities as pre-set by the classroom teachers.
3. No running, climbing on furniture, or yelling will be allowed. Classroom doors are to
remain open!
4. Students will not be allowed to leave classroom without permission during recess.
5. Excessive classroom problems will be dealt with by a time-out, heads down and quiet with limited activity at their desks.
6. Individual students may be sent to the office as needed for inappropriate behavior.