Book Fairs
Book Fairs
St. Vincent de Paul School partners with Scholastic Book Fairs to hold two book fairs a year: one in October and another in May. The funds raised from these fairs help to purchase and develop our growing collection of books and other learning materials.
At these book fairs, many families choose to purchase books and donate them to our school library...another wonderful way to contribute to our collection!
Commemorative bookplates are placed inside each book to recognize your generosity.
![](/userfiles/school/fund-raising/book-fairs/fiesta book fair.jpg)
I Want Books! Let's Go Read!
May 12 - 18, 2014
Volunteers Needed!
The duration of your shift(s) is completely up to you; we need help during
the following times:
Please sign up online or contact Heather Cronan for a volunteer timeslot!