Youth Ministry
What does St. Vincent de Paul Youth Ministry do?
- Youth Ministry responds to the needs of young people and provides opportunities to foster their relationship with God!
- Through worship, service, social, and catechetical experiences, Youth Ministry allows the young person to become an active member in the Catholic Church!
- The youth listen to the Gospel and begin to respond to the journey to which God is calling them!
- Youth Ministry allows the youth to travel on that journey in a safe and respectful environment while learning about the awesome power of God's Love!
Click Here for JUNIOR HIGH
Click Here for SENIOR HIGH
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Junior High: SVdPjuniorhigh
Senior High: SVdPseniorhigh
Quick Information & Dates
Junior High (7th & 8th grade)
EDGE: Every Wednesday from 5:00-6:00 in the East Meeting Room starting September 17th, 2015.
Faith & Fitness: 5:00-7:00 (with EDGE) on October 8th, October 29th, November 19th, and December 3rd.
Girls Group: Every other Monday Starting October 13th from 2:00-3:00. ** for 8th grade girls only!
Winterblast: December 12-13, 2015.
Extreme Faith Camp: June 20-24, 2015.
Summer Stretch: Dates TBA
Steubenville Youth Conference: Dates TBA **8th grade students only.
Senior High (9th-12th grade)
LIFE Nights: Every Wednesday from 7:30-9:00 in the East Meeting Room startin September 17th, 2015
EDGE Teen Leader: Every Wedneday from 5:00-6:00 in the East Meeting Room. **Training in Parish office on Wednesday, September 10th from 6:00-7:00.
AYD: Saturday October, 25th from 12:00-9:30 PM.
Winterblast Teen Leader: December 12-13, 2014.
Men & Women's Retreats: January 23-24, 2015
Christpower Mission Trip: Dates TBA
Steubenville Youth Conference: Date TBA
World Youth Day 2016: July 0f 2016 specfic dates TBA.
- CORE Team: A diverse CORE group of adults of different experiences, ages, educational and professional backgrounds, helps to bring a great deal of creativity to the program. The main job of a CORE member is to reach out to teens, both on an individual basis and a group basis. Also, the CORE members help to plan and implement all LIFE nights and retreats.
- "Dream Team": The Youth Ministry Board is a group of adults and Senior High Youth that meets once a month to discuss the vision and goals of Youth Ministry at St. Vincent de Paul. They also aid the Youth Minister in planning events for Junior and Senior High youth.
*It is the policy of the Youth Ministry Department That In The Case Of A Tornado Warning, Winter Storm Warning, Or Any Other Type Of Emergency That The Scheduled Event Will Be Cancelled. Please Call Kelly With Any Questions About This Policy (763-425-2210).
Approximately once a month, the Freedom Choir (youth choir) is scheduled to sing at Mass. They practice every Wednesday night at 6:15pm in the church right after the EDGE and right before LIFE Nights. We want to get as many people involved as we can. So JOIN FREEDOM!!! You can show up any week and join anytime.