From The Pastor
December 21, 2014
This week we celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent and then Christ is born at Christmas. Even with all the busy-ness, it is a very blessed time for families and parishes alike.
Think about all the grace that is being poured out around the world when churches fill up and Christians everywhere rejoice in the presence of Jesus among us. Here at St. Vincent de Paul, we hope that we are bursting at every Mass.
Speaking of bursting, the 4:00 pm Mass has for the last few years been overflowing beyond what the church can com-fortably seat, filling both the chapel and the Gathering Space. For this reason, on Christmas Eve, we are trans-forming Regan Hall into a beautiful worship space and offer-ing another Mass at 4:00 pm. That way, there should be a place for everyone either in Regan Hall or in the Church.
This week, we are happy to welcome so many parishioners and guests. St. Benedict instructed his monas-teries that “All guests who present them-selves are to be welcomed as Christ.” Christmas and the Christmas season are special opportunities to welcome all those who come to St. Vincent’s, as we would welcome Jesus.
I encourage everyone to think about the many little ways we can welcome others at Christmas and every week. Consid-er holding the door and greeting guests as they walk in, of-fering a kind smile, or being patient in the church and then parking lot. Additionally, small acts of kindness such as cre-ating space at the end of the pews by moving toward the middle, or being aware of and inviting in someone who is looking for a seat - all go a long way to opening hearts to the real Christmas Spirit.
May this Christmas season renew all of us in the awareness that God is with us and works through us to be his instru-ments of peace.
From the entire staff and parish leadership, and all who make our celebrations possible, best wishes to you this final week of Advent and Merry Christmas!
May God bless you and your loved ones during this beauti-ful season.
God Bless You,Father Paul