Leadership Discernment
Nominations Now Being Accepted: Share your gifts by serving on one of
St. Vincent de Paul’s 5 commissions; Finance and Administration, Formation and Education, Parish Life, Outreach, and Worship or on the Parish Pastoral Council or Leadership Development Team. Our leadership structure is now developing our vision and planning for 2014 and beyond. We’d love to share with you each commission’s vision and plan, and give you the opportunity to discern your role. Nomination forms are available after all Masses the first two weekends in March, on the Leadership Discernment link, or in the Parish Office. Stop by the table after Mass for more information and to find out how you can serve as a Parish leader. Make a real difference in our Parish. Is the Spirit calling you?
“Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours,
yours are the eyes through which Christ's compassion is to look out to the earth, yours
are the feet by which He is to go about doing good and yours are the hands by which
He is to bless us now.” ~ St. Teresa of Avila
2014 Leadership Discernment Forms
Qualifications and Committment
Commissions Position Description
Pastoral Council Position Description
Pastoral Council 2014 Goals
Leadership Development Position Description
Overview of the 5 Commissions (see below)
Important Dates
March 1-9 |
Nominations turned in. |
March 18 |
All nominees are invited to attend Leadership Meetings. |
March |
Information Nights - 7:00pm: Nominees are invited to attend either of these evenings to find out more about open positions. |
April 6 |
Prayer Service and Discernment Night - 6:00pm |
The 5 Commission Positions
1) The Finance and Administration Commission -
Detailed description Annual Plan
Is responsible for budgeting and long term forecasting, budget review and finance and accounting practices and controls, financial stewardship and financial development, planning for facility and grounds maintenance and improvements - for Church and Cemetery, communication to parish of financial status and capital projects, recommending of human resource, facility and general administrative policy and procedure.
The Finance and Administrative Commission coordinates the following subcommittees:
- Finance Committee
- Financial Development
- Facility
- General Administration
- Cemetery
2) The Formation and Education Commission -
Detailed description Annual Plan
Coordinates all levels of faith formation educational programming in the parish, children through adults, Catholic school and public school alike.
The Formation and Education Commission coordinates the following committees and groups:
- Adult Formation
- Parish School Catechesis
- Faith Formation Elementary through High School Programs
- Sacramental Preparation
- Baptism Preparation
3) The Worship Commission -
Detailed description Annual Plan
Gives direction to the liturgical life of the parish, as well as fostering and promoting the spiritual growth of all parishioners, enabling them to understand what it means to be a baptized Catholic Christian. It also seeks to provide opportunities for personal and communal prayer besides the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
The Worship Commission coordinates or works with the following subcommittees and groups:
- Music
- Lectors
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Ushers
- Greeters and other Ministers of Hospitality
- Servers
- Art and Environment
- Sacristans
- Children's Masses
In addition the Worship Commission is aware of, and coordinates with the Liturgical Planning group that coordinate the weekend Masses for the various seasons, all liturgical ministers, prayer services outside of Mass, periodic retreats and annual Parish Missions
4) Parish Life Commission -
Detailed description Annual Plan
Works to build a deeper sense of Christian community for all ages and interest groups in the parish. It works to engage parishioners to discover their gifts and areas of interest, and facilitates in bringing them to deeper levels of involvement in parish life.
The scope of the Parish Life Commission includes:
- Youth Ministry
- Hospitality and Welcoming
- Parish Organization and Clubs
- Community-Building and Socializing Events
- The Stewardship of Time and Talent
Accordingly, each member commits to participate in learning key concepts of Catholic Stewardship (particularly as it applies to time and talent) and discovering new ideas and best practices for attracting, welcoming and engaging parishioners. The Parish Life Commission includes various committees, organizations and social groups in the parish including those that may be hosted, but are not specifically sponsored, by the parish.
5) The Outreach Commission -
Detailed description Annual Plan
Coordinates the ministries of Pastoral Care, Social Justice and education of the parish on Catholic Social Teachings, outreach ministries, charitable giving, and adult mission trips. Its scope includes outreach to both the parish membership and the larger community, either in the neighborhood or beyond.
The Outreach Commission coordinates the following subcommittees and/or activities:
- Pastoral Care – Home Visitors
- Grief Ministry
- Marriage Preparation
- Ministry to Singles, Divorced and Separated
- Social Justice Committee
- JustFaith
- Womb to Tomb Ministry
- Sowers of Justice
- Immigration Action Committee
Commission Concentrations