Catholic Social Teaching Forum
This ministry provides an opportunity for parishioners to learn and live out all that the Church teaches about our modern world. Speakers are occasionally invited to speak on various topics. Contact Okey Anyanwu in the parish office.
A transformational program that offers parishioners the opportunity to experience a journey into the spirituality of compassion through retreats, group sharing, readings, scripture, and audio-visuals. Through this program participants develop a deep knowledge of Catholic Social Teachings and the Church's commitment to the poor and vulnerable. Contact Okey Anyanwu at the parish office.
Registration for 2013 is now open until August 30th.
Classes begin on September 30th.
BIZAA International Outreach
Find out how you can help as 7 of our Parishioners head on their Mission Trip to
Nigeria Africa, April 3 - 11, 2013.
Mission Trip 2013 - How You Can Help
Ongiong Help - How To Be Involved
Basic Institute for Zonal African Advancement (BIZAA) is a faith-based initiative focused on empowering the youngest citizens of Africa through a grass roots effort to eliminate Child Labor. BIZAA serves as the liaison organization for our parish "Internatinal Outreach" to the Nigerian victims of child labor. While this program is being championed by our parish youth through a set solidarity-based curriculum, interested adults participate in annual mission trips to Nigeria. Contact Okey Anyanwu in the parish office or visit