Information Meeting
Informational Session/”Meet and Greet” for ALL Outreach Volunteers from 1855-2014
Yes, this is really for all volunteers who have been involved in any of our outreach program since the inception of St. Vincent de Paul Parish to date except for those who have gone to heaven! They will be free to join us in the spirit for this important meeting as well
Thank you for your amazing responses to the past Outreach and Stewardship surveys. Each round of the survey results indicated that our Parish Outreach Ministry (Pastoral Care and Social Justice) has generated a lot of interest and support. Your interest in particular, is greatly needed and appreciated.
We are inviting you to an informational session/”Meet and Greet” evening for all already-serving Outreach volunteers, newly signed up volunteers and/or interested parishioners.
When: Monday, February 24th, 2014
Time: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in the
Venue: East Meeting room
The meeting will address a review of the census of all Pastoral Care and Social Justice Volunteers. Information regarding new directions for some Outreach ministries will be shared. Long-time volunteers will be appreciated and new volunteers will be welcome.
Thank you for responding to God’s call to share your gifts by helping us to reach out to our parish community, our surrounding communities and our world. Please bring a friend to this promising evening of information being organized by St. Vincent de Paul Outreach Commission and Staff.
Please, RSVP to Laurie Murphy by 12:30pm on February 24th at 763-425-1409 or email: murphy5tj@netscape.net Or Okey Anyanwu at the parish office: 763-425-2210 Ext. 417, email: okey@saintvdp.org.
Outreach Organizational Chart
Pastoral Care
Our parish pastoral care ministry is one special way through which our departmental staff assists the priests in reaching out to parishioners of various ages and circumstances: the bereaved, the divorced/separated, the singles, the sick, the homebound, the imprisioned and the elderly in our community. This ministry is jointly staffed with Social Justice in our parish, because it shares the same scriptural outreach mandate:
"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and your cared for me, in prison and you visited me." ~ Matthew 25:35-36
Social Justice
The focus of Social Justice Ministry in our parish is to lead our parishioners to the inspirational knowledge of Catholic Social Teaching. It is meant to encourage a proactive response to that knowledge, and to be relentless in lending our hands and voices to the under priviledged through the various programs under this ministry in our parish. Our parish has a four-fold approach to our social justice programs namely: